A question that always arises in pregnant women is whether they can play sports and which ones are recommended for the gestation period. Today we talk about spinning during pregnancy, if it is advisable to practice it or not.
There are several studies that show that playing sports during pregnancy is recommended and beneficial. Physical activity during these months is rarely harmful, except in the case of high-risk pregnancies, in which it is necessary to consult medical personnel before practicing any type of exercise. In normal pregnancies, an active life and a fit physical condition have multiple benefits for the health of the woman and the fetus.
In this post we will talk about pregnancy and exercise on a spinning bike. As we will see, not all sports are indicated for pregnant women. Physical activities that include an important aerobic part and with a gentle intensity are recommended.
First of all, it should be noted that women who practiced sports regularly before pregnancy can continue to do physical activity sessions as long as they are under medical supervision and are done properly. In this way they will be able to maintain their cardiovascular and muscular physical condition during pregnancy and after childbirth.
Women who are previously sedentary can also benefit from regular exercise during pregnancy, but of course your training sessions should be tailored to the woman's physical abilities.
Needless to say, each person is different and every pregnant woman should talk to her doctor before starting any physical activity. Not all women react the same to this new state and many factors must be taken into account when prescribing physical exercise in pregnant women.
In all cases, light exercise of 20 to 30 minutes each day is recommended , every day if possible. If done with caution, most exercises are safe. If it is not possible every day, a regular practice of 3 or 4 days a week is recommended.
Spinning during pregnancy is one of the most frequent doubts among future mothers, especially among those who led an active life before becoming pregnant. This state of women is considered a special situation, but it does not imply a limitation to carry out any physical activity. As we have already mentioned, it is healthy to keep moving , but with proposals that adapt to the physical, physiological and psychological changes of pregnancy.
In general, physical exercise during pregnancy is beneficial for the health of the mother and the baby. However, certain precautions must be taken into account and under professional recommendation.
Spinning or indoor cycle is one of the most practiced exercises today . This sport is characterized by its cardiovascular work, in which aerobic and anaerobic resistance is exercised. This activity is identified by changes in rhythm and intensity. However, during pregnancy it becomes difficult and not recommended to do it this way, but it can be practiced with adaptations.
You must always keep in mind that the medical professional is the best person to assess your health status, monitor your history and make the decision about practicing spinning.
In any case, exercising during pregnancy has more benefits than disadvantages. Physical activity will not pose risks to the fetus and will help the expectant mother to maintain good fitness and improve her health. Also the practice of a spinning bike with a low intensity has benefits for women during pregnancy.
Among the most outstanding benefits of exercise during the gestation period, we can see:
- Better cardiovascular fitness.
- Faster recovery from childbirth.
- Faster return to fitness after childbirth.
- More energy reserves.
- Fewer obstetric interventions.
- I give birth with less pain.
- Improves self-esteem.
- Less stress, anxiety.
In addition, maintaining a routine of physical activity can prevent the risk of developing diseases that are associated with pregnancy, such as preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension) or gestational diabetes.
For all this, as long as there is no health problem in a pregnant woman, the physical and mental benefits offered by exercise during pregnancy are multiple. Even so, it is more advisable for a pregnant woman to engage in moderate, low-intensity activities.
one |
0, 1, 2, 3 |
Walking, spinning at very low intensity |
two | 4, 5, 6 | Swimming, walking, low intensity spinning |
3 | 7, 8, 9 | Low intensity spinning, walking, swimming |
In the first trimester, special care must be taken with sports activities, which is why it is recommended to do very light cardiovascular exercises, such as walking for 30 minutes a day.
Second trimester. At this time you can perform exercises that require a little more resistance, such as swimming. Walking and doing a little spinning with light intensity during this trimester is also advisable. During the first trimester is when a pregnant woman should take the most care, since it is the period of formation of the fetus, and, therefore, the most delicate trimester.
Third trimester. Here, the type of exercise to perform will depend a lot on the mother. In general, low-impact aerobic exercises, such as spinning bike exercise, are recommended.
Maintain a constant intensity during exercise
This is an activity in which the intensity of the exercise is constantly being regulated during the session to improve anaerobic capacity. Although, in the case at hand this is not appropriate. The ideal is to maintain a constant intensity, which ranges between low and moderate.
Remains seated in the saddle during the activity
Staying in the saddle is essential while exercising on your spin bike during pregnancy. It is very important to remain seated at all times. In a conventional spinning session, the movements to stand up while pedaling are common, but you should avoid this type of position for your health and that of the baby.
Hydration at all times
You should always carry water or an isotonic drink with you while you exercise. In general, you have to hydrate a lot when you exercise. During pregnancy, hydration is much more important!
Control your heart rate very well
With ATAA Sports semi-professional spinning bikes you can keep track of your heart rate at all times. All our spinning bikes have integrated LCD screens where you can monitor your exercise sessions.
Keeping your heart rate under control is important because, if your heart rate rises a lot, you can put your health and that of your baby at risk. You should never exceed 140 beats per minute.
Don't miss the sports bra
Excessive chest mobility can cause anything from irritation to pain. Sports bras are there to prevent that and make your workout that much more comfortable.
The problem with spinning, as long as it is not practiced properly during pregnancy, lies in its high intensity. The normal practice of spinning has moments of great demand and many changes of rhythm. A pregnant woman who does spinning in the usual way is more likely to faint, suffer from joint or back pain, have low blood pressure and, in the worst case, premature labor. We must insist that spinning is practiced correctly and under medical prescription.
And up to here everything that we consider you have to know about practicing sports and spinning during pregnancy. Stop by our ATAA Sports online store to see the full range of spinning bikes we offer. Now we just need to know... when are you going to get on the bike?