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Do you want to know how to reduce waist by exercising? Although there are no exercises that can reduce abdominal fat in a localized way, since the practice of exercise will cause you to lose fat in a generalized way throughout the body. But, there are a series of exercises that can help you increase the muscle tone of the abdomen, thus improving the perimeter of the waist.
And what are those exercises that help you lose centimeters of abdomen? In this post we tell you what exercises you can apply to your daily routine to reduce your waist.
Getting a much more stylized silhouette is the dream of many people. One of the parts of the body that most defines the silhouette is the waist. However, this is a part of the body where fat can easily accumulate.
These are some of the reasons why fat can accumulate in the waist area:
- Stress.
- A pregnancy.
- Excessive alcohol consumption.
- The sedentary lifestyle
- digestive disorders
- A slow metabolism.
- A poor diet based on sugars and processed.
- Hormonal imbalances.
There are multiple reasons why this area of the body accumulates fat and it becomes so difficult to eliminate it. In addition, the waist not only tends to accumulate fat, but also retains liquids and toxins.
The most effective way to burn belly fat is to have a healthy lifestyle that combines regular exercise and a balanced diet. The problem is that many people acquire healthy habits and still fail to lose weight in this area of the body. Although this also depends on the functioning of the metabolism of each one, sometimes it is the product of certain errors that are overlooked.
To improve eating habits, it is essential to learn to make better food choices, reduce the amount of food and maintain other good lifestyle habits, such as daily exercise.
Here are some steps you can follow in terms of nutrition, to achieve your goal of losing fat in the waist area:
Light dinners
There is a belief that dinner is fattening, but this will depend a lot on the time dinner is made and the amount of food that is eaten. Many people find it difficult to eat early, usually due to business and work hours. However, you can always find a way to have a light snack, so you don't arrive at dinner too hungry and eat too much.
We recommend you make light dinners, in small portions and at the earliest possible time. In addition, having dinner soon will help you digest optimally and not have problems falling asleep.
Smaller portions
You must control what we have said about the quantities for dinner, also for the rest of the meals. It is not about going hungry, but about finding the exact point of balance to distribute hunger in small meals throughout the day.
There are several tricks to control hunger between meals and not eat heavy foods, such as drinking infusions, pieces of fruit or a handful of nuts. This will satiate you long enough to get to the next meal.
Protein intake
It is necessary to emphasize the importance of consuming proteins to reduce waist. These can be of both animal and plant origin. These are some foods rich in protein:
Protein sources:
- Meat
- Egg
- Fish and seafood
- Avocado
- Vegetables
- whole grains
- Nuts and seeds
The ideal would be to eat a portion of protein at each meal, combine those of animal origin with those of vegetable origin and accompany them with other sources of nutrients. Lastly, cereals and flours should be left and try to make them whole grains.
Choose healthy fats
Yes, fats are very important. Healthy fats help us lose weight, reduce the waist and prevent the accumulation of fat in other parts of the body.
We must incorporate in each meal a portion of good fats. We name some of them:
- Avocado
- Blue Fish
- Yolk
- Nuts and seeds
- Yogurt
- Vegetable oils
As you can see, we are not talking about any miracle diet or great sacrifices to achieve your goal. You just have to correct some daily habits and replace them with healthier ones. Your body will thank you and you will be able to lose fat from your waist.
Apart from good nutrition, exercise is a very important part of reducing fat in the abdominal area. We show you some exercises that you can follow from home to achieve your goals.
Spinning bike exercise
Pedal the spinning bike by getting up from the seat with a high-intensity rhythm. This type of training helps to strengthen the abdominal part.
Elliptical exercise
Doing the elliptical trainer is a very effective way to lose abdominal fat. Practice exercise on the elliptical on a regular basis, in sessions of about 45 minutes and with a medium intensity.
Treadmill to reduce waist
This fitness machine also offers a cardio workout and allows you to burn fat, thus helping to lose weight in the belly area. Although in this case, the elliptical and the spinning bike are more effective to lose waist thanks to HIIT training.
On these gym machines, the most effective way to combat abdominal fat is to alternate cardiovascular training with interval training.
Hipopressive abs
This is one of the most effective exercises to tone the abdominal muscles. This type of sit-up seeks to activate the deep abdominal muscles through controlled breathing.
It is one of the exercises par excellence to work the abdominals. You have to keep your back straight, without arching your lower back and breathe continuously.
We make a brief summary with the best tips to reduce the waist and define the body figure:
- Regular exercise not only helps burn calories and fat, but also reduces stress, a major factor in the accumulation of abdominal fat.
- Walk every day for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Reduce fat intake. Avoid fried foods, fast food dishes, industrial pastries, excess sausages...
- Avoid excess sugar. Try to drink your coffee or tea with little or no sugar. Also avoid sugary soft drinks that contain tons of sugar.
- Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol is one of the factors responsible for the increase in visceral fat.
- Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
- Sleep enough hours. Lack of sleep negatively affects mood, stimulates appetite and hunger. The amount of sleep required depends on each person, but it is generally necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a night.
- Being consistent is the key to success.
You already know the secrets to define the figure and reduce the waist. The ideal is to combine regular training with a healthy and balanced diet to eliminate fat from the abdominal area. Practice exercise with the best gym machines on the market that we have in the ATAA Sports online store. Start your training plan now by applying our tips and you will be able to reduce the fat around your waist!