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You may have had a food out of control this holiday season ... and that's normal. Now what everyone is wondering is how you can lose weight after Christmas . When the month of January arrives, the remorse for the excesses of lunch and dinner begins.
For a set-up after a Christmas binge , it is not only important to return to a healthy and balanced diet , but a good workout that burns calories and minimizes fat is also essential.
And this is when we think of "miracle diets", to lose a lot of weight in a very short time, but we already anticipate that this type of diet does not exist and, if there were, it would not be good for your health.
The best way to lose weight is to eat a balanced diet combined with exercise . Playing sports will help to lose those extra pounds , but also to moderate anxiety levels, since it influences appetite. A high state of nerves will make you have more voracity and consume more food than you need for day to day. And that means having new challenges, new plans and goals, including getting fit.
Home training
One of the most popular resolutions of every year after Christmas is to join the gym . The high prices of some of these sports centers, not finding time or that the gym hours do not coincide with yours, are some of the limitations to exercise.
This is no longer an excuse because, thanks to the semi-professional home gym machines that you can find at ATAA Sports , anyone can set up their own gym in the living room. Training at home has multiple advantages and helps combat laziness and reluctance that can arise when training.
Losing those extra pounds and achieving good health are some of the goals most seek when the holidays are over. For this, different training techniques can be followed. One of the best known for burning calories is aerobic exercise.
In aerobic exercise, as your effort increases, your muscles burn more sugar and fat to produce the energy necessary to contract, the result? You burn calories faster. The gym machines in which the aerobic part is most recommended to burn excess calories are: the treadmill, elliptical, spinning bike or Crossfit bike.
To help you and liven up your workouts on your home sports machine, one of your allies can be YouTube. There are hundreds of tutorials, routines and workouts, of all levels, with which to start training to keep fit. Our computer, mobile or tablet, becomes our personal trainer and gives us the freedom to exercise at any time and in the spaces that we have free.
Healthy and balanced food
Practicing sports and a healthy diet is the ideal recipe to lose those extra pounds and make you feel much better physically and mentally. As we have already mentioned, there is no "miracle diet" that helps you lose weight in record time, but by exercising weekly and eating a balanced diet you can lose excess calories .
To lose a few kilos, detox or simply regain a healthy and balanced diet, it is best to stay away from miracle diets and products that the only thing they will believe in your body is disorder and imbalance.
In order for the diet to be healthy and not adversely affect our physical condition, varied foods should be included in appropriate quantities . You can include in your post-Christmas diet low-fat foods, lean meats and skimmed dairy, preparations with little sugar and salt to avoid fluid retention, at the same time that we purify the body; and of course, plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fluids.
The goal should be first of all to put aside junk food and processed foods and fill our fridge with healthy products. This does not mean that once a week you can give yourself a little "a whim".
Now you know how to lose weight after Christmas . In our ATAA Sports online store you can find from treadmills, spinning bikes, elliptical trainers ... So you can make your Fitness center at home!