Do you really know what a fitness life is? People are made to move, the physique suffers if it is not in shape. That's why it's important to stay active. As we have already mentioned in previous posts, the 3 pillars of a healthy life are based on exercising, eating a good diet and resting. But, in addition, leading a fitness life goes much further, such as incorporating daily activities in a more physical and active way.
We are going to see more curiosities about the fitness life to know this lifestyle in depth and that you can adapt it to you and your life.
The term fitness life refers to a state of general well-being, both physically and mentally, which is achieved through a healthy life, based on the relationship between training and nutrition. These two variables are the key to achieving your goals of leading a healthier life and being well inside and out.
You might think that leading a fitness life is simply about exercising daily. But this is not enough, it is important to lead an active life in a generic way. This lifestyle, in addition to keeping you in good physical condition, helps you prevent multiple diseases.
Of course, regular exercise is essential. In addition, rest is also an important pillar, since your body repairs itself and your muscles grow when you rest. It is recommended to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day.
Another fundamental part of a fitness life is food. To achieve optimal nutrition, the first thing you should do is acquire healthy habits. An adequate diet provides you with the nutrients and energy necessary to face daily activity and achieve your sports goals.
Although you think that starting to lead a fitness life is difficult, the truth is that the difficult thing is to maintain it. Many times this lifestyle is started with a lot of motivation, but suddenly something happens in life and you leave it parked. And when you want to pick it up it becomes a bit tricky.
Take note of the following key points that will help you start your fitness life and manage to maintain it:
- Feel good inside. To start leading a healthy life and fitness, you need to feel good about yourself. The first step is to accept your own limitations and understand that the road to a healthier life can be a long one. You cannot expect your process to be the same as other people's, each person is different and needs different rhythms.
- Eat healthy. As we have already mentioned, food becomes an essential part of leading a healthy life. Maintain a varied and balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise regularly. Practicing sports not only keeps you in top shape, but it will also help you have better health inside.
- More active lifestyle. When talking about leading a more active life, it is not just about sport itself. To lead a more active life, it is enough to do the activities of daily life in a way that gets the body moving. Walking instead of taking the car, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, stretching at the office...
- Rest. Your body is not a machine, it needs rest to regain strength and build muscle.
The important thing is to enjoy the process, without pressure or rush. Wanting to achieve a quick change will only lead to demotivation and the possibility that you want to abandon your goal of starting a fitness life.
When talking about “fitness diet” the first thing that comes to mind is a monotonous diet with little flavor. But to be fit you don't have to give up tasty food, you just have to set aside some products that don't provide any benefit to your body and incorporate healthy foods into your diet.
What should you include in your diet for a fitness life? We tell you:
1. Prepare your own meals
To lead a healthy diet and start your fitness life, you could start by preparing your own meals. In this way you will avoid, to a large extent, the ultra processed and some unhealthy ingredients of some.
2. More fruits and vegetables
This is the basis of any fitness diet. Fruits and vegetables are the best source of vitamins and fiber for your body.
3. Eat lean protein
As are meat and chicken, removing, if possible, the visible fat even before cooking. It is also important to increase the consumption of fish and preparations with egg whites.
4. Make a good selection of carbohydrates
Choose whole grains, legumes, oatmeal... Above all, it is important to avoid consuming refined or white flour.
5. Cut down on alcohol consumption
In addition to avoiding sugary drinks as much as possible. and bad fats such as butter, cream, offal.
6. Eat good fats
Good quality fats are found, for example, in dried fruit.
To accomplish your goal of leading a more fit life, you need to take action and start making some changes. We have already talked about food, now it is the turn of exercise.
It is not necessary to join the gym to start exercising, since there are countless routines to do exercises at home and achieve impressive results. Get ready to take note and show you how easy it is to do sports from home.
Fitness machines for home
If you are looking for exercise machines to start your fitness life plan from home, in the ATAA Sports online store you can find all kinds of devices that will help you achieve your goals. From spinning bikes, treadmills, ellipticals... all these gym machines offer cardiovascular exercise, ideal for a complete sports session.
If you prefer to follow guided classes on these machines, on YouTube you can find countless videos and classes to make your sessions more enjoyable and fun.
Exercises without equipment
- Chest push-ups. This exercise helps us to gain strength, activate the metabolism and improve both balance and coordination.
- ABS. An easy-to-execute abdominal routine and you will only need a mat. This is a good example that to lead a fitness life you just need perseverance and a little dedication.
- Squats. This is another exercise, which, like the abdominals, is very easy to do. In addition, to do squats you will not even need a mat. Of course, we recommend that you do a good execution of the exercise to avoid bad postures and subsequent pain.
Now that you know how to start a fitness life, and if you want to start practicing sports regularly from home, we invite you to go through the ATAA Sports online store where you can find all kinds of fitness machines that will help you with your new life style. Complement physical exercise with a balanced diet and... you'll be ready for a fitness life!