If you are thinking of starting to train with your home gym machine because you want to reduce those extra kilos and, you want to know if spinning will lose weight , we will help you clear your doubts in this post. You want to burn those excess calories and that 's when you think of "miracle diets" that promise you to lose kilos in a short time, but we already anticipate that this does not exist. In fact, if there were, they would not be good for health.
The most advisable thing to lose those kilos that bother you and, nutrition experts confirm, is to eat a balanced diet combined with exercise . The ideal, as we already announced in our post on sports nutrition, would be to eat between 4 and 5 meals a day , to divide the food intake. This way you avoid arriving too hungry for the main meals (lunch and dinner) and avoid eating impulsively and abundantly.
The goal is to put junk food and processed foods aside and fill the fridge with healthy products : fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish… This does not mean that once a week you can indulge yourself.
In principle, we inform you that spinning is one of the activities that burns the most calories , as long as you practice it with a certain frequency and combining high and low intensity sessions. Although the calories consumed will vary according to age, gender and physical complexion of each person, with an intense rhythm, in a 30-minute session on a spinning bike you can consume between 550 to 1000 calories .
The intensity you put into your exercises on the spinning bike is important if you are looking to lose weight . Whenever you increase the energy in your training sessions you will burn more calories. Therefore, it is important to work hard, always within your possibilities and physical form.
The most effective thing is to carry out a regular practice supported by a good diet. Burning calories is not enough to lose weight. This requires that the calories you burn exceed the number you eat with food.
Exercising on a spinning bike at home has multiple benefits : it works your legs and glutes, trains the cardiovascular system and, as we have already said, helps you lose weight. Although, the burning of calories and the amount of weight that is lost depend on the time and intensity at which it is pedaled and, also on the physical conditions of each person (it is not the same for a beginner as for a sports fan ).
We could say that the regular practice of sports, in this case spinning, combined with a healthy diet , could be the true "miracle diet" to lose those extra kilos and, in addition, make us feel much better physically and mentally.
By exercising weekly and eating a balanced diet, we can lose those extra pounds . In addition, from ATAA Sports we offer you the best spinning bikes for home with which you can do it comfortably, without having to depend on the gym hours.
Here are some routines that you can follow to start exercising, so that your goal of losing weight is as effective as possible and always in a healthy way. Next, you will find different training routines so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
1. Routine to increase speed
Before starting, you must do a 10-minute warm-up, in this way the muscles are activated. During the next 10 minutes, you will have to increase the speed, little by little. Finally, the last 10 minutes alternate with 60 seconds of high intensity and another 60 seconds of pedaling at low intensity.
2. Routine 20-10
This routine is ideal for burning body fat . You start with a 5-minute warm-up with a low resistance, but pedaling fast. Then alternate 5 cycles of 20 seconds pedaling with a high resistance and then 10 seconds with a lower resistance. After this, take a break, without stopping pedaling, at a slower pace. These guidelines are repeated 3 or 4 more times and the routine ends with the same warm-up (5 minutes with low resistance).
3. 1 hour routine
Can you pedal for an hour and not die trying? Yes it can and it is not impossible. Begin this session by warming up for 10-15 minutes and continue doing 8 minutes at 80% of your physical capacity. Recover 4 minutes and repeat it 3 more times. Finish the session with gentle pedaling until you have completed 1 hour of training. Little by little, you will improve your strength and endurance and, you will be able to pedal for 1 hour without effort. Do you dare to get it?
If you have time, these spinning exercises are perfect to lose weight and tone your muscles. You will get used to dedicating the necessary time to your fitness and you will notice the benefits from the first training sessions.
The practice of sport should be complemented with the caloric expenditure , produced by physical activity, with a balanced diet, which provides adequate amounts of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and micronutrients. They will depend, of course, on the intensity that the physical activity requires.
To eat a healthy diet while exercising on the spinning bike , it is advisable to leave out fried foods and processed foods. On the contrary, grilled, cooked or steamed foods are highly recommended. Alcohol consumption should also be avoided or only left for special occasions. Sugary drinks such as soft drinks, should be avoided at all costs, since they include large amounts of refined sugars that will not benefit you if you consume them regularly.
Experts recommend exercising on your indoor spinning bike 3-4 days a week for about 45 minutes . It is advisable to combine high intensity levels with other lighter ones, this will help you lose weight .
A study by the Polytechnic University of Madrid indicates that during the first 20 or 30 minutes of training, not as much fat is lost because the body uses glucose stores. In this sense, they recommend that, even if you have little time, you spend more than 30 minutes on the spinning bike .
However, other studies suggest disagreeing with this theory. Some point out that, although you burn fewer calories at first, you are always burning fat, do 20 or 45 minutes.
We agree that a session once in a while and extremely calm, will not help you much to lose weight. But a moderate session, three times a week, for a few months, has more effect than a high intensity session with occasional practice.
You must take into account the capabilities of your spinning machine . Each bike is designed to do exercise sessions with a certain time. Take a look at the characteristics of your spinning bike and check how often you can practice your exercise sessions.
Practicing three or four days a week for about 45 minutes, the results of these indoor spinning bike sessions can be seen from the first month of training, although it always depends on personal factors and how the exercise is. The diet and the combination of sports can contribute to this weight loss being noticed a few days before or after.
Buying a spinning bike at home that allows you to work hard can be essential to lose weight . Bearing in mind that, as we have already seen, spinning loses weight , and if this is your goal, you can now stop by our ATAA Sports online store to buy your next spinning bike . Do not lose this opportunity!